Posts tagged ‘celebrating’

Back On Track, But On A Different Path

Building a habit is such a funny thing.  I think that when beginning something new, your enthusiasm gets you started, and excitement keeps you going, but after a while, when things get a little tough, it can get harder to keep on track.

Such was the case with me.

When I started my journey in November, I was amazed at how well I adjusted to the new way of eating.  Then the Christmas holidays came, and unfortunately instead of moving forward in January, I came to a complete stop.  Oh, it didn’t get bad straight away, I was still reaching for healthy things most of the time, but then the ordering in started, and it spiralled from there. My preparation fell by the wayside, and because I wasn’t prepared, I started eating the wrong things.

As a distributor for a health and wellness company, and combined with the fact that I was starting school on March 21st to be a holistic nutritionist, I wasn’t really walking the walk any longer, and I needed to get back on track.

I’ve mentioned before about all of the research that I was doing.  The more I read, the more I kept being pointed to vegetarianism/veganism.  Shortly after my daughter came home from school in February, she announced that she wanted to look at that way of eating as well.

So, based on a recommendation from a blog friend, we went to Chapters, and bought The China StudySkinny Bitch, and The Vegan Planet Cookbook.

This past Saturday, off I went to Whole Foods, the Organic Garage and Bulk Barn, with my list of things I needed.  On Saturday I made my first vegan meal – pizza.

It doesn’t look too bad, does it? Homemade 12 grain pizza dough, and the rest is all vegan – pepperoni, sauce, and cheese. (I wouldn’t eat the cheese on it’s own, blech, but not too bad on the pizza, and it actually melts)

Right now, I’ll probably be using a lot of transitional foods (vegan cheese, vegan lunch meat), but hope that with practice and time, I will be able to ease away from these into a fully plant based diet. I’m not worried about missing the meats so much, but I think dairy is going to be a challenge for me, although I’ve found that rice milk and almond milk are quite yummy.

I’ve had a few interesting reactions from people when I state I have made the choice to be a vegan.  Many people are worried that I’m going to get sick.  I had one person tell me “that’s stupid”.  In each case, I have told everyone that this is my choice, and not one that I am going to push on anyone to do.  My son is not making this choice, and my daughter has decided on ovo lacto vegetarianism, while I am going full vegan.  Our meal plans are certainly going to be interesting and I’m sure challenging, but we all support each other fully, and will make it work.  My choosing veganism was purely health based, although I am starting to see the ethical side of it as well, but as I mentioned, this is my choice, and will talk about it, but will not push it on anyone.

Is veganism/vegetaranism something you’ve ever thought about it?  I’d be interested to know what made you choose it, and what challenges you have faced or are facing.

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March 14, 2011 at 6:18 pm 6 comments

Changing Yourself From Within

Are you noticing the glut of commercials, radio and TV talk shows, reports, etc., about weight loss, healthy living and gym memberships?

This is definitely the time of year when gym membership registration soars, and people are flocking to weight loss centres.  I was shocked to read that over 92% of people who make resolutions never keep them!  And 45% of them fail by the end of January! Part of the reason is that most people set out to change things for the wrong reason.

Author and columnist Andrea Rains Waggener, says that “People start from a place of being not okay. They think they need to change something in order to be okay, in order to be happy.”

Wow, that was me.  Totally not happy with my life, and thinking that if I only did this, or did that, somehow magically I would be happy again.

As my kids would say “FAIL!”

Once I realized that quick fixes weren’t going to do it, I took a long hard look at my life, and realized that I needed to change who I was inside first, before I could change who I was outside. And I couldn’t just say I was going to do it, I had to do it. Am I there yet?  I believe that we’re constantly changing and evolving based on where we are in our lives.

I definitely look at life differently now, than I did in my 20’s and my 30’s.  As I enter my 50’s, I will likely look at things differently than I did in my 40’s.

I know that I am happy based on who I am, and not what I look like, or what material possessions I have. I’ve simplified and de-cluttered my home and my life. Negative people are absolutely not allowed in my life, and I’ve learned to recognize those people and avoid them as much as possible.

One thing that I believe is different about me now, is that I truly am living my life based on how I think I should, and not on what someone thinks is best for me.

Who are you changing your life for?

If your first answer isn’t YOU, sit back and ask yourself, why not?

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January 4, 2011 at 12:05 pm 4 comments

Living My Life Intentionally

Five years ago this March 9, my world tilted.  In the space of 3 months, three different losses changed my life as I knew it.  March 9, 2006 was the day that I came home from work to find half of my furniture gone, as well as everything in my bank account.  The explanation – a note that read “sorry things haven’t worked out, I won’t be back”  The next month I lost my job, and the following month my father passed away.  A trifecta of  boots to the head and heart. As much as I wanted to curl up into the fetal position and wish the world away, I had two young children who needed their mother.  I couldn’t and didn’t want to fail them.  I pulled up my socks, and got on with it.

Over the next few years, the only word that could describe my life was “SURVIVE”

Each person handles grief differently.  Two years after these events happened, I really thought I had it all back together, but looking back, I realized that for every two steps I took forward, something would always knock me back one step. I hadn’t dealt with the losses, I had just pushed them really, really far down.   A good friend of mine said to me at the time, that it would be at least 5 years before I fully recovered, and dealt with my grief.  She also said that I shouldn’t expect to have anyone in my life until I completely healed.

I read somewhere that you hold your weight where your body holds your grief.  All of my weight gain was in my torso, exactly where I pushed my grief down each time I couldn’t deal with it.  I have been told many times over the past few years that I needed to wrap my feelings and grief in healing white light and release it out with love and forgiveness to the people who caused my pain.   I finally did this just before I started this journey that I’m on, and I truly believe that part of my success is because of releasing that trapped grief.

It has been a long five years, but with the turning of the clock on January 1st, I am in the home stretch of this 5 year period.

This is the year that the words that will describe my life will be “BELIEVE” and “ACHIEVE”

This year I intend to live my life intentionally instead of accidentally.  I’m going to be an active participant in my life, instead of a spectator.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I don’t make resolutions, but I do make goals.

Here are the goals that I will be starting 2011 with

  • Participate in the 100 days of intentional movement (read here for more info on how you can participate)
  • Walk 2011 miles in 2011 – this breaks down to 5.6 miles per day.  I will be buying a pedometer and using a tracker from (I have added a page entitled 2011 miles in 2011 so you can follow my progress
  • Continue my healthy eating and exercise program
  • Will continue to monitor my weight loss, but will embrace the Non-Scale Victories as well
  • Lower my body weight by 10% by February 1st, 2011 (19 lbs, of which I have already lost 12 pounds)
  • Lose the next 10% of body weight (17 lbs) by April 1, 2011
  • Read at least one book per month that provides spiritual sustenance or enlightenment.  (I will blog soon about the book I am presently reading)

Today, I started my first day of the 100 days of intentional movement and walked approximately 8 miles during my 2 1/2 hour hike.  I belong to an outdoor activity group, and there were 32 of us participating today.

It was great weather, -4 degrees C with very little wind, and a light snow. Great views of Lake Ontario with Toronto on the horizon, and great conversation!  Our next event is next Sunday when we go ice skating at the Colonel Sam Smith Skating Trail Can’t wait!

What are you doing to live your life intentionally?

PS – when searching for an image for living life intentionally, I discovered a book by that exact title.  I will be looking for this book shortly to add to my reading list.

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January 2, 2011 at 6:59 pm 2 comments

Resolutions? Or Goals?

First of all, I want to wish everyone a healthy, happy and prosperous 2011!  I still can’t believe we’re in the second decade of the millennium.  Doesn’t it seem like just yesterday that we went through Y2K?

Did you make any resolutions for this year? If you did, here is an interesting article on How to achieve your New Year’s Resolutions.

I’ve stopped making resolutions at 11:59 p.m. on December 31st.  I decided a while ago that resolutions can be made at any time of the year.  I believe that resolutions are more likely to be kept when you’re ready for them.  November 1st was the day I made some resolutions in 2010.  And for the most part, they’re still being kept.

Over the Christmas holidays, I was worried that I might not be able to maintain my healthy eating, and there definitely were a few things that I ate that put me over my food limit for the day.  However, I didn’t obsess over it, or give up completely.  I just made sure that I ate correctly the next day.  The one thing that I didn’t do very well though was drink all of my water every day or take my vitamins regularly.  That’s ok though, it’s a new year and I’m back on track now! (note – this is not a resolution!) Smiley

Today, for the first time in over 2 weeks, I weighed myself.  The last time I weighed myself,  was December 8, and this is what I saw on the scale.

So with some anticipation, and intrepidation, I weighed myself this morning.

To my delight, here is what I saw.

I managed to lose 1.5 lbs over the Christmas holidays.  Pretty darn good, if I have to say so myself.

Here are some of my NSV’s that I achieved over the past 2 weeks.

  • I bought new pants and a sweater for myself at the Christmas sales.  I bought size 14 pants which are already loose on me.  Should have got the size 12 after all.
  • Baked and baked goodies for Christmas, but only had one or two, and gave the rest as gifts.
  • Hosted my Open House party for friends and neighbours, made loads of goodies and appetizers, and again, didn’t overindulge.
  • Pulled out the “party dresses” for the New Years Eve party I was going to, and tried to choose which one I would wear.  The choice actually was made for me, as the two black dresses that were tight on me the last time I wore them, were actually too loose to wear, and have now been added to the pile of clothes that I am going to have altered at my next 10 lbs loss.  Instead I wore a dress that I had bought a little tight, and have never been able to wear – until last night.  And I received LOADS of compliments on the dress.
  • I danced for 3 and a half hours last night, only stopping to drink water, and never once feeling winded or tired.  (my feet were sore, but only because I had on my 4 inch stilettos)

Last night as my friends and I hugged, kissed, blew noisemakers, wished each other Happy New Year, and sang Auld Lang Syne, I was pleased that I hadn’t made any resolutions, but that I had goals to look forward to in 2011.

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January 1, 2011 at 10:04 pm 6 comments

I Know They Mean Well, But…

I’m sure you’ve run into them.  The people who know the “perfect” diet for you to try.  I’ve run into a few of them lately. People have started to notice my weight loss, and ask me what I’m doing to lose the weight.   I tell them that I’ve lost 10 pounds in one month by eating healthily and controlling my portion sizes, and combining it with exercise.

That response seems to confuse them, because I haven’t called it the “so and so” diet.  They blink, and then say – “You should try Atkins, or the Zone, or (insert any name of diet here)

Now, don’t get me wrong, I appreciate their interest in my weight loss, and their suggestions.  But if I’ve just said that I’ve had success in what I’m doing, why would they suggest something different?  I know that the ones who are suggesting these diets have never had to lose a lot of weight at any point in their lives, and they’re only suggesting diets that they’ve heard about.

Too often in the past, I listened to people who were suggesting this diet, or that diet, and in the end I tried a lot of the diets and systems that are out there – South Beach, Dr. Bernsteins, I could go on, and while I lost weight on them, I never ever felt that they were programs that were changing how I thought about food, and in the end couldn’t sustain the program, and gained back all of the weight (and more).

I’m not criticizing any of the weight loss plans out there (well, there are few that I would run screaming from), and if what you are doing is working for you, that’s great!  Stay with it!

So, to those people who have suggested I try other ways to lose weight, here is why what I am doing is working for me.

Starting weight – November 1, 2010 – 193.4 lbs

Today’s weight – December 8, 2010 – 183.4 lbs

Total Weight Loss – 10 lbs!

Inches lost

  • Neck – 1/4 inch
  • Waist – 1 inch
  • Hips  – 1/2 inch
  • Thighs – 1/2 inch
  • Chest – 1 inch
  • Calves – 1/2 inch
  • Total inches lost – 3 3/4 inches

Dress size down from 16 – 14

My goals for this week are:

  • Faithfully drink my water each day – 164 – 180 ounces.  I have much better success when I drink all of my water
  • Get exercise every day – it doesn’t have to be just at the gym- going for a walk, putting on some music and dancing around the house, etc., as long as I am moving and doing something, instead of sitting and doing nothing.
  • Eat more vegetables.  I was really good about this until about a week ago.  I’ve stayed under my calorie limit each day, but on some days there has been very little vegetable or fruit content.
  • Make a menu plan – again, did this really well for the first few weeks, but this past week was kind of a “grab and go” type of food plan
  • Prepare food to take with me to my part time job – not having a meal plan caused me to purchase meals while at work (while I still chose healthy, they were costly)

I’m doing well with the water, and preparing food etc., however, exercise has taken a bit of a backseat this week as life has been getting busier.  I have been taking walks outside each day, even if I haven’t been getting to a scheduled gym class.  My personal trainer appointment is on Friday, so I’ll know I’ll be getting my butt kicked then!

I’m celebrating my successes, how about you?

Cue the Happy Dance!


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December 8, 2010 at 11:26 am 8 comments

I’ll Be Home For Christmas..

Christmas holds so many beautiful memories for me – decorating the house and tree, all of the Christmas mornings with my kids, and my Christmas memories growing up.

When I was younger, I remember all the warm memories and the excitement we had for the holidays.  Some of my fondest memories are of helping my mother bake at Christmas.  She would crank the radio, or put on The Carpenters, her favourite Christmas record, and then pour herself a little vodka and orange, and start singing and dancing in the kitchen while we baked.  It’s funny, because my mother was not a drinker.  Sure, she used to enjoy a drink with my aunt and uncle when they were playing cards, but this is the only time my mother ever had a drink outside of that. It also somehow made her baking extraordinary. I also remember the game my brother and I would play.  Every time we would drive somewhere with my parents,  we would count all of the houses with Christmas lights while we were in the back seat of the car, and we would make it a game to see which side of the streets had more lights.  Each time we went out in the car, we would race to sit on the side we knew would have the winning number!

When I was 25, I married a man who was a Manager of a large Department store here in Canada.  Even being exposed to all of that commericialism never put a damper on my spirit.  I know it did for my ex husband, but not for me.  I would have my tree up and the house decorated by the end of November EVERY year. The kids and I would make Christmas crafts and ornaments, write Santa letters and I would do loads of baking so the kids could leave him a treat on Christmas Eve.  We also never lacked for visiting and visitors. When I was decorating and baking, in honour of my mom who passed away before I got married, I would pour myself a vodka and orange juice and put on the Carpenters CD.

Christmas was never, ever about the presents, it was always about the atmosphere and the love.  When my kids and I reminisce about Christmas’ past, it’s never about what gift they got, but it’s always about what activity we did, who we visited, who visited us, and the fun we had.

If I think about it, I would have to say that when this all started to change for me, was in 2006.  It was the first Christmas after my father passed away.  That was also the year that my second love relationship ended very badly, and the year that my brother stopped talking to me (mainly because of my fathers death).  Just typing this can still make the tears come.  I really tried to make Christmas great that year, my kids were 13 and 17, and even though they didn’t believe in Santa, they believed in the spirit of Santa; but it was just different somehow.

The past few years, it has been harder and harder to get into the spirit of the holiday.  Christmas is a time for families, and it should go without saying that I LOVE spending the holidays with my kids, but knowing that I don’t have any extended family for us to celebrate with, can be sad.  My home was always filled with people coming and going, eating, celebrating and lots of laughter. My house is just too quiet now.  I think that I tried to bring some of that feeling into my house by having an Open House for friends and neighbours. While it was lovely having a reason to make loads of food, and it was great having everyone there and seeing that they were having a good time, it just didn’t feel the same.  I know, poor me, huh?  Loads of people don’t have anything at this at this time of year, and I understand that.  Each Christmas no matter how meager our funds have been, we have always tried to do something for families in need.

I have tried over the course of 4 years to try to rebuild my relationship with my brother. He’s my only sibling, and apart from my kids, the only family I have left. I still don’t know exactly what it was that caused the split, perhaps it was just years of things building up, and my fathers death was the thing that set him off. My brother screens his phone calls, so I’ve only ever been able to leave him voice messages when I’ve tried to reach out to him.  I have invited him to all of the kids milestones – my daughter’s (his goddaughter) high school graduation, birthdays, etc.  I’ve left him phone messages on his birthday, and have left him messages inviting him to spend Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas with us.  This summer, my daughter worked in the city he lives in, and actually lived with her aunt and cousin.  Near the end of the summer, my brother sent me a facebook message saying how he had enjoyed having my daughter there, and that he wanted to put the past behind us, and move forward, because family was important.  I saw this as a great sign and was very happy.  However, my brother didn’t follow through with getting together after we made plans to do so, choosing instead to re-live the past, and refusing to get together.  His ex-wife, said that he just needed time, and that I should still keep trying.  I give lots of credit to Norma, because she knows how important it is for her daughter and my kids to still see each other, and it’s because of her that we still have that connection with my niece.

This past weekend saw me finally start to try to get into the holiday spirit, and part of that was reaching out to my brother and inviting him to spend Christmas with us.

It appears though, that my brother has decided that the past 4 years of no contact with me has been less stressful for him, and that he has no desire to spend Christmas with us. Was I surpised that he wasn’t coming?  No, but I can’t say that it lessened the hurt at all.

I’m sitting here typing this, and the tears are streaming down my face, wishing it could be different for my brother and I, but I’ve decided that I’m not going to let him ruin this holiday for me or my children.  Even though it’s not going to be like the Christmas’s we’ve had in the past, it doesn’t mean it can’t still be a great one.

Maybe it’s time to make new traditions for us to remember, instead of lamenting that we can’t do the old traditions.

So, I beg your forgiveness for such a long post, but I needed to get this out, so I can let it go.

Now, I’m going to get the Christmas boxes from the basement, and start decorating.  I have loads to look forward to.  My son’s 17th birthday is on the 9th, and my daughter flies home from university on the 14th.  We will be decorating the tree when she gets home and I plan on doing some Christmas baking with her and my son.  I’ll be putting on the Carpenters Christmas album, and perhaps I’ll pour myself a glass of vodka and orange as well.

This song is for you mom and dad. We miss you, but I know that wherever you are, you’ll be celebrating with us.

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December 7, 2010 at 9:58 am 3 comments

My Daily Affirmation

It’s the start of a new week, and the first Monday of December. I can’t believe how fast time is going by lately.  I think that’s partly due to the fact that I have been living without my daily affirmations, or even with clear goals for a couple of weeks.  Days have been slipping past me so quickly, and I feel as though I have been just a passenger in my life the past few weeks, instead of the driver.  That’s got to change.

With the realization that I’ve just been existing and not experiencing, I noticed that I haven’t been saying my affirmations.  Affirmations are something that I’ve used to basically train my mind to visualize things in a positive way and use those feelings to create that outcome.  I’ve used them in all areas of my life, but I can’t remember the last time I was faithful in saying them.  So it’s time to create some affirmations and take that time each day and do them.

During my daily search for information to help me with my weight loss, I found the article “How To Use Affirmations To Lose Weight”.  While it wasn’t anything I hadn’t read before, just reading it again reinforced that I needed to get back to consistently saying my affirmations each day.

One of the first things I do in the morning is turn on my laptop, and then make my breakfast.  So, I’ve added a pop up feature to my computer.  It’s a post it note, and has the following affirmation on it for this week:

Each day I am committed to achieving my goals and ensuring my success.

I’ve chosen this affirmation for this week because I’ve noticed that I hadn’t listed or even reviewed my goals in a few weeks.  I’ve been pretty good about keeping track of my food, and working on the goals that have been a habit, but I know I’ve been missing some of them.When I look over some of the goals I had since starting my journey, there are some that I haven’t been able to get close to, so here are my goals for this week.

  • Review my goals each Sunday night, and add a new challenge each week.
  • Faithfully drink my water each day – 164 – 180 ounces.  I have much better success when I drink all of my water
  • Get exercise every day – it doesn’t have to be just at the gym- going for a walk, putting on some music and dancing around the house, etc., as long as I am moving and doing something, instead of sitting and doing nothing.
  • Eat more vegetables.  I was really good about this until about a week ago.  I’ve stayed under my calorie limit each day, but on some days there has been very little vegetable or fruit content.
  • Make a menu plan – again, did this really well for the first few weeks, but this past week was kind of a “grab and go” type of food plan
  • Prepare food to take with me to my part time job – not having a meal plan caused me to purchase meals while at work (while I still chose healthy, they were costly)
  • Blog at least 2 – 3 times this week, not just about successes, but about my challenges as well
  • Take Thursday night to spend with my son, playing board games, talking and just being together (it’s his 17th birthday!)

In addition to my affirmation on the computer, I’m going to put these goals on another pop up, so I see them every morning.

Do you use Affirmations, or something similar to help you be successful?  I’d love to hear what you do to keep on track.

Well, that’s it for now – Happy Monday everyone!  I’m off to get things accomplished!





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December 6, 2010 at 12:12 pm Leave a comment

Using All Of Your Senses For Weightloss

I recently had a conversation with a friend about shopping and I told her how I was changing my thoughts about that temptation and was now finding that I wasn’t spending as much as I used to. I had been going into stores, and buying things that I didn’t really need. In fact, when I was decluttering the house 2 months ago, I found 2 or 3 bags of things I had bought for Christmas decorations LAST YEAR, that I had brought home, and then put aside where I promptly forgot about them.  And trust me, these weren’t the only purchases I found still in their wrapping and shopping bags.  Sad.

I  started to think about what the pleasure was for me when I was shopping. Was the pleasure the end result of bringing that thing home? Not always, because most of the time I realized I could have done without it, and then felt guilty about spending the money. I can’t begin to tell you how many candles, candle holders, potpourri holders, bath oils, lotions and other tchotchkes I’ve picked up thinking that I need them, only to find find out I have (lots of) something similar at home.  I’ve bought things simply because I was offered something free (often something else I didn’t need) with the purchase. I’ve also done this with clothing – picking something out, buying it, bringing it home and then realizing that I have 3 (or more!) other perfectly good (brand new) white shirts, or black slacks, etc., etc., (don’t get me started about shoes!) and that in the end I really didn’t need more, or that I didn’t like it as much at home as I did in the store. You know, I recently went through my nail polish collection, and found that I have 10 bottles of red OPI nail polish! They all have different names – OPI is famous for their fun naming of polish, but they are essentially the same red nail polish. Even if I had a manicure and pedicure twice a week, it would take me years before I would go through all of that polish.

I realized that there were two things in my life that I was using as substitutes to try make myself feel happy (which in the end, didn’t really work). Shopping and food.

What I’ve found, is that what I enjoy about shopping is not always the purchase, but the wander around the shop, picking up things that I think are beautiful and then imagining where they would go in my home or in my wardrobe. I’ve now started to change the outcome of these trips.  I’ll still look at things, imagine them and enjoy them, marvel at the great bargain they are, and then put them in my cart and continue shopping – all the while completely enjoying the experience.  The difference now is that when I’m ready to go and line up, I take a look again at everything again, and what I find most times is that they weren’t such a bargain or that I don’t really need or even want 99% of the things I’ve put in my cart.  I’ve managed to control my mindless shopping and my bank balance is better for it.

I’m sure you’ve heard that to save money on groceries and not buy things you don’t want, that you should make a list and not go shopping on an empty stomach. I put that principle in place last night before I went out to my holiday party.

I ate my dinner according to my meal plan, drank lots of water, and then went out with a plan in place for the evening.

I treated the buffet and appetizer table as I do the beautiful home decor stores I shop browse in.  I took some time and viewed the offerings, deciding which things I had to have, the things I could live without, the things I could eat without feeling guilty, and the things that I wanted just a taste of.  This is a completely different mindset than when I’ve approached food before.  As I have been guilty of mindless shopping, I’ve been guilty of mindless eating. The old me would have taken everything on the table, and lots of it.  Not so last night.  Last night I enjoyed all the senses I was experiencing – how good all the baked goods looked, the smell of the items (seasoned fries and wings were there),  and yes the memory of what these foods taste like (you know how your mouth waters just thinking about certain foods?)  I enjoyed the smell, the visual, the texture, and the anticipation of what these foods taste like.  And for the first time in a long time, that was a large part of the enjoyment of the food, not the actual consuming of it.  And because of how I approached the table, I resisted many things I would have put on my plate and just mindlessly ate.

A great weight (not sure if there was a pun intended) has been lifted off of me since coming to the realization that I have been a mindless shopper and eater. Just as I bought things just for the sake of having them, I ate things for the same reason. I’ve just sat and gulped down and often gorged myself with my food.  When I’ve sat down to eat a nice meal, I’ve always thought the smell was wonderful, but during the meal I don’t think I sat and appreciated all the other senses of eating.

When I think back on great meals, I’ve often forgotten the reason we gathered together.  When someone would say – do you remember so and so’s wedding, lately the first thing that would come to mind is the great chicken they served, or the dessert table.  But when I think about it, I realize that the reason I enjoyed the event was because of the company of the people I was with, and that the food was just one part of that enjoyment, not the sole cause.

Will I be perfect in resisting these two temptations?  Not always, but by realizing that I have more power over the outcome than I thought I had, I can be much better than I have been in the past. I’m starting starting to control my mindless eating, and my body will be better because of it.

I’m going to stop being like Pavlov’s dogs. Now that’s using the senses I was given!

Thanks to Racheal@thegracefulskinny for a really great suggestion last night before I went out.  She suggested wearing Spanx to keep the expansion room down!  LOL Thanks Rachael!

Here’s a few more ideas to help over the holidays!  (I think they’ll work all year round too)  I like the peppermint idea.

Here’s todays reward for last week’s efforts – 1.8 pounds down for a total of 10 pounds lost since November 1st.





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December 4, 2010 at 11:26 am 3 comments

‘Tis The Season (Or Let the Challenges Begin)

Yes.  It’s here.  The first of my Holiday Parties.  1 of 4 parties actually, over the next 3 weeks. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I don’t enjoy going.  I do.  I enjoy socializing with friends and celebrating the season.  But one of the best reasons for going to holiday parties has now become my biggest challenge.  All of that food that you don’t see any other time, than at holiday parties.  You know what I’m talking about.  All of those beautiful shortbreads, rum balls, sugar cookies, not to mention all of the dips and bread, canapes, appetizers, etc., etc.  And did I mention all of those wonderful holiday drinks? Rum and eggnog (just take a spreader and put that fat right on my belly and thighs)  *pauses to wipe drool from bottom lip*  I would often arrive early just to stake my place close to the buffet table to get the best pick of everything (and seconds). Yes, I’ll admit it.  That’s where you’d find me.

So, this year, I need to come up with a different strategy (apart from not going)  🙂

  1. I’m going to eat my meal plan for the day, but save some calories for the party;
  2. Get a walk or workout in during the day to give myself extra calorie room;
  3. I’m not going to eat EVERYTHING that is offered.   Or ALL of everything I take.  Sometimes just having that one little taste can be sufficient;
  4. Drink water, and lots of it; (so instead of staking out the buffet table, I’ll need to get the 411 on the bathrooms!)
  5. And lastly, I’m going to enjoy myself and not beat myself up if I have more than I intended to.  I’m not going to be doing this type of eating ALL of the time.

What is truly exciting about tonight, is that I am close to 15 lbs lighter than I was last Christmas, and that means I have an outfit to wear that I couldn’t wear last year!  Now THAT’S something to celebrate!

Tonight, instead of rockin around the buffet table, I’ll be rockin it round the tree instead!

This is one of my favourite Christmas songs, one that gets me ready for the season.


Friend Finding Fridays

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December 3, 2010 at 10:06 am 5 comments

Goals for 2011

* Participate in the 100 days of intentional movement
* Walk 2011 miles in 2011
* Continue my healthy eating and exercise program
* Lower my body weight by 10% by February 1st, 2011
* Lose the next 10% of body weight (17 lbs) by April 1, 2011
* Read at least one book per month that provides spiritual sustenance or enlightenment.

Scale Goals for 2011
02/01/11 - 174
04/01/11 - 156.6
06/01/11 - 141

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